為大家介紹一間在牛津的頂尖Sixth Form高中學府,A-Level成績的進步多年來在英格蘭名列前茅。早前我們參觀學校的校園環境和宿舍等配套設施,今日就在我們的YouTube影片和大家分享!👍🏻📈🎓
Introducing a top Sixth Form in Oxford, where the progress of A-Level results has been among the best in England over the years. Earlier we visited the school's campus environment, dormitories and other supporting facilities, and today we will share it with you in our YouTube video! 👍🏻📈🎓
🔸學校基本資料/Basic Info:🔸
地址/Address: 333 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7PL
電話/Tel: 01865 688600
班級結構/Class Structure: Year 7-13
學校類型/School Type: Independent School / 私立學校
更多資料/More Info:https://www.doverbroecks.com/oxford-sixth-form/
#UKEG #英國教育園 #ukedugarden #sixthform #oxford #d'Overbroeck's #topschool #alevel #progress