報名/Registration: https://forms.office.com/r/tERcLGpLg7
In the coming extra "special holiday"😆, while it is not convenient to travel abroad, have you planned how to make good use of this early summer vacation? 🤔If you want to broaden your horizons, if you are interested in British culture, and want to study in the UK in the future, this virtual tour is definitely not to be missed!🇬🇧
🔸第一場/Session 1: 10-11am (UK); 5-6pm (HK/Malaysia) ⚠️(FULL)⚠️
🔸第二場/Session 2: 11:15am-12:15pm (UK); 6:15-7:15pm (HK/Malaysia)
• 遊歷倫敦市內著名地標/Tour around major landmarks in the city of London (45mins)
• 英國留學提問環節/ Q&A Session on Studying in the UK (15mins)
會員/Member £12 (£10+£2VAT)
非會員/Non-member £18 (£15+£3VAT)
Our professional team will answer parents' questions in the live Q&A Session. Parents can also write down their questions in advance when filling out the registration form, so that our team can follow up and answer them further.
🟣Ms Melissa Lee - Founder & CEO of UKEG (United Kingdom)
🔴Dr Irene Lau - Co-founder & CEO of Asia Pacific Region, UKEG (Hong Kong)
🟢Dr Shin Liang Chin - Cambridge Consultant, UKEG (Malaysia)